Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Peeeeonies. And Merry Christmas from me and Bronte.

Got these at a school fete last weekend. God aren't they amaaaaze??



Well I havent been on here for a while....oops
Lifes been interesting... been to France, Italy and Greece and back.
Oh and I got engaged.... weeeee


I miss the Venetian Spritz's in Venice, Not the same back home!

Ios, missed the party season. Quite sad about it but my God it was beautiful and I don't think I would have apprieciated it if in a drunken haze!

Rome. Rome. Garlic Pasta. Eh.

Vernazza. Total dream land.


Mykonos. where Hayden asked me to marry him :)


Went to the pizzeria in the book 'Eat, Pray, Love'. Believe the hype.
So yeah! just checking in. Weddings on the brain!
I'm sure I'll be boring people with that on here soon enough!


Monday, 6 June 2011

Paris Hotel Du-Petit-Moulin...Lacroix Sssweetie.

This is where I'll be staying in Paris:
Beautiful isn't it??? 

My Boss is staying here as we speak:

Hotel du-Petit-Moulin.

The Interiors were designed by Christian Lacroix himself.

Ooooh- La-La

Oh Paris how I love you..... and I haven't even met you yet.

A x

Jeff Leatham.

Right now my boss is in Paris having a lovely old time.

She spent the first few days in The Four Seasons George V Hotel. I hopped online to have a little peek and what did I realise?

I think I'll have to sneak into this place when I'm in Paris in August. :)

This guy is inspirational. 
So damn Gorgeous, and that doesn't even desribe how incredible I think he is.

Wow wow wow wow wow

GASP! Yeah I love it.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

A winter secret I'd like to share...

Lush rave....
Are you lazy in the moisturising/exfoliating department like me in winter? (and summer too)
I have found a cure, for lazy people, and it's wonderful.

(The Backside Slayer)

This Buffy fights dead skin. 
And Cellulite.
Wash yourself in the shower. 
Step out of the water.
Scrub your entire body with this.
Wash off the bits of rice, almonds, and Adzuki beans....
and you're done. 
Moisturised and buffed with lovely Cocoa and Shea butters.

I love it. My Favorite lush product by far.
The first thing I ever bought at Lush and the best.
Smells Gorgeous and it's not greasy at all. 

Love it so much I bought it for my Mum!

If a really deep exfoliation is not what you're after.... 
They have something else just as Yummy.


Rub this allover your skin right after the shower. Done. Good Huh? The bar melts on contact with body heat.

I'm not mad about this particular bar, the Strawberries and Cream scent is a bit too sickly sweet for me. (It's made from real crushed strawberries)...but I'm loving the no-mess-grease-free-moisturisation!
Many different bars to choose from for in the shower and out. 

Had to share. I have found love with Lush. I have to stop. Really.

A x

Monday, 23 May 2011

Make it Pink....no...make it Blue

This week I have dreams of becoming a cake designer. Dreaming dreaming.
Fascinated with floral cakes. So beautiful.
Look at the Gorgeousness
I am absolutely in love with Peonies and Hydrangeas, pretty sure these are edible!

oh! so simple and amazing.

I remember when I was little I loved loved LOVED Sleeping Beauty 
(Among other Disney Princesses...Ariel probably coming in close second...) 

By far my favorite scene! So cute. A love for fashion and all things pretty was developing at a young age............

Oh my god I hope I have a little girl someday, then I have the excuse to watch all these gorgeous movies again.

A x

Bali Dreaming....

An annual Bali- goer....

Unfortunately this year I am ditching the Island of the Gods for Europe (How Sad)
 However, having said that, Bali is still very much on my Radar. Always is.

Cannot. Wait. to. go. here!!!


Images courtesy of the Cocoon facebook page.

Can't wait to laze, eat drink and be merry all day. This place was in the construction stage last time I was in Bali so I missed out. Looks Gorge.
Check our their facebook page!

Villa Kembali. Seminyak.
ahhhh I love Bali, I miss it.