Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Peeeeonies. And Merry Christmas from me and Bronte.

Got these at a school fete last weekend. God aren't they amaaaaze??



Well I havent been on here for a while....oops
Lifes been interesting... been to France, Italy and Greece and back.
Oh and I got engaged.... weeeee


I miss the Venetian Spritz's in Venice, Not the same back home!

Ios, missed the party season. Quite sad about it but my God it was beautiful and I don't think I would have apprieciated it if in a drunken haze!

Rome. Rome. Garlic Pasta. Eh.

Vernazza. Total dream land.


Mykonos. where Hayden asked me to marry him :)


Went to the pizzeria in the book 'Eat, Pray, Love'. Believe the hype.
So yeah! just checking in. Weddings on the brain!
I'm sure I'll be boring people with that on here soon enough!
